Starbright Marketing Department's blog

Ins And Outs of Domestic Violence

In recent news and social media, cases of domestic violence have been more frequently and widely reported. These serious crimes unfortunately are not only now and issue, they remain a huge problem in our society despite not always being in the media. Below we set out how the provisions of The Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 can be used to protect yourself against such incidents.

Resignation, Retrenchment & Dismissal

In the work environment, when the time comes to leave the job where an employee currently works, certain laws govern processes and procedures on how to leave the company, whether it is by the employee’s own choice or that of the company to dismiss the employee. Below are some of the basic legal foundations of resignations, retrenchment and dismissal.

Maternity Leave – What You Need To Know

All female employees have the right to maternity leave by law. In terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCE) maternity is regulated.


What Happens After a Court Has Granted a Civil Judgment?

There are many articles and reading about how to get to court and the process involved therein, however very little in comparison to what happens after a court has actually granted a judgment and how this can thereafter be enforced.


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