Starbright Marketing Department's blog

What is Bail and How Does it Work?


There is a misconception amongst some public citizens about what bail is and how it applies or works in the South African criminal law system. Some individuals believe that the granting of bail, means that an accused pays a sum of money and then in released as if they have paid a fine for their crime.

Interim Relief in Matrimonial Matters

What Relief May There Be?

In terms of the Uniform Rules of Court and the Magistrates Court Rules, spouses may seek relief from the court regarding one or more of the below matters in terms of Rule 43 in the High Court or Rule 58 in the Magistrate court. These matters are strictly matrimonial and the rule applies strictly to spouses.

Rectifying Judgments Against Your Name

It happens that at some point a court may grant judgement against you or your company. In the event that this is a monetary judgment, this may reflect poorly on your financial profile or the image of your business. Below are the various ways in which your attorney may assist you in rectifying this situation.

Inter-Vivos Trusts & Testamentary Trusts

What is a Trust?


A trust is a long-term structure with which to protect assets from generation to generation. Simultaneously, a trust results in a saving in terms of estate duty which is the levy payable on all your assets when you pass.


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