Starbright Marketing Department's blog

Clearing Up Contractual Terms


At some point in our lives we will inevitably all conclude some sort of contract, be it with a bank, a landlord or any number of service providers. All of these contracts will usually contain certain terms which, to many people, usually don’t make much sense. Below, are just some of the most popular ones to assist you in more clearly understanding the terms of a contract which you are agreeing to.

Which Court do I use and why?

Different Courts

In the South African judicial system there are various courts which have different mandates and different jurisdictions or the “righs to hear a certain kind of case.”

South Africa’s courts encompass Small Claims Courts; Magistrates Courts, which comprise of Regional and District courts; High Courts; the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court to name only a few of the main courts.

Community of property, can I change it?

Why would I want to?

When getting married, you and your new spouse have the opportunity to consider your matrimonial property system. Community of property is a whole article on its own however and to appreciate the contents of this post, you will require some basic knowledge of matrimonial property systems in South Africa.

Legal Steps to Take to Escape an Abusive Marriage in South Africa

Domestic violence has five classifications:

Physical abuse

Sexual abuse

Emotional abuse (intimidation, economic abuse)

Verbal abuse (harassment)

Psychological abuse (stalking, entry without permission into residence that is not shared, damage to property)

This is not only applicable to married individuals but any abusive relationship regardless of how that relationship is defined.


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