
Unfair Dismissals

South Africa has extensive labour laws protecting the employee from unfair labour practices, including unfair dismissals. However, there is a general misunderstanding of what an “unfair dismissal” is, how to prove it and what can be done about it.

What is an unfair dismissal?

Debt Collections

debt collectionsGetting people to pay their accounts (credit card, clothes or an account for services rendered) is a tedious task and is often attempted without much success. No business can afford to ignore accounts owed, nor have them on the books for extended periods of time.

But what can be done about it? The best answer - call your Attorney.

Permanent House Swopping

In the past few years, holiday house swopping has been taking the world by storm. The basic principle of it; “I’ll stay in your house, you’ll stay in mine,” has made holidays accessible to a lot more people. But, what about permanently swopping houses?

Litigation in South Africa

What is Litigation?

Litigation is the process of taking a Civil law suit (legal dispute) to Court. We have discussed the process from a summons to the court date in our article A Guide to Suing.

In this article we shall discuss the different Courts and the basic procedure in the Court room. 

The Different Courts:


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