
What Happens After a Court Has Granted a Civil Judgment?

There are many articles and reading about how to get to court and the process involved therein, however very little in comparison to what happens after a court has actually granted a judgment and how this can thereafter be enforced.

Planning Your Estate

What is Estate Planning?

An ‘estate’ is comprised of all the assets and liabilities that the so-called ‘estate planner’ accumulates during his or her lifetime – such assets and liabilities which will be left behind at his or her death.

Estate planning is then the process of creating and managing a programme to preserve or protect the assets as well as setting out how they would like to distribute such assets at their death.

A Will is not the only means to do this and although commonplace, it is not always the best means to most effectively and most beneficially distribute assets in accordance with the estate planners wishes.

Unhappy With Your Attorney?

At Du Toit’s Attorneys, we subscribe to the highest standards of professionalism, ethical conduct and the attendance to our client’s interests; we, therefore, believe in transparency and upholding the rule of law. We further believe that in doing so, it is our duty to assist unhappy clients in holding those who bring the profession into disrepute responsible. Below is an exposition of where an unhappy client may start.


How to Calculate Maintenance for a Child


In order to be eligible to claim for maintenance on a child’s behalf, it is paramount that the claimant first determine the reasonable needs of the child on a month-to-month basis.



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